Pinerest Motel Building
Test Accom
Pinerest 25 has all the modern conveniences of a modern hotel room. Featuring two full size beds, a walk-in shower, microwave, coffee maker and half fridge with a comfortable shared porch area. 25 has an adjoining door with Pinerest 24 if you are looking for accommodations for families or small groups.
- Coffee at Lodge for Sale
- Coffeemaker
- Half Fridge
- Microwave
- Televison Free
- Wi-Fi Available at Lodge
All Amenities+−
Reserve your stay now.
Book your stay!Pinerest 25 has all the modern conveniences of a modern hotel room. Featuring two full size beds, a walk-in shower, microwave, coffee maker and half fridge with a comfortable shared porch area. 25 has an adjoining door with Pinerest 24 if you are looking for accommodations for families or small groups.
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